(1989) Third Workshop Proceedings
Each section or paper of the 1989 workshop is available here in PDF format. The layout mimics the Table of Contents.
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Document Cover
Table of Contents
Developing Carrier Free Systems and Their Maintenance
Issues in Carrier-Free Target Systems, Their Development and Maintenance.
Sven-Johan Heselius, Kenneth A. Krohn & Jeanne M. Link
Advances in Accelerator Technology
A Round-Table Discussion on Advances in Accelerator Technology.
David Sylvester
Power Density and Beam Quality as Applied to Low Energy, High Beam Current Accelerators
Power Density and Beam Quality as Applied to Low Energy, High Beam Current Accelerators - A Survey.
Gerd Wolber
Report from the Laboratories
Report from the Laboratories.
Frank Helus, Ron Finn
X-Y Steerer to Sweep K=20 Ion Beams.
Werner Konowalczyk, Helmut Knigge, Gerd Wolber
Current Status of CTI Target Systems for the Production of PET Radiochemicals.
B.W. Wieland, G.T. Bida, H.C. Padgett and G.O. Hendry
Gratuitous Comments on Operation of a CTI C-13/Water Slurry Target for the Production of N-13 Ammonia.
Bruce Wieland's poster
An Efficient [18F]Flouride Production Method Using a Recirculating 18O Water Target.
Yves Jongen, Benoit Georges
Recall of Comments from the Floor Regarding Irradiated 18O Water Transfer,
Combining What Was Said On Two Occasions With What Should Have Been Said.
C. Craig Harris
Comments of H2O Targets.
Jim Ropchan
Reports from the Lab.
Marc Berridge
High Current Salt Targets for 70-86 MeV Proton Bombardment.
J. Vincent, J. Lenz
An Inexpensive 15O Labelled Molecule Delivery System for Clinical Flow Studies.
Jean-Luc Morelle, Yves Jongen, Benoit Georges, Michel Cogneau, Daniel Labar
Successful Production of F-18 Flourodeoxyglucose Using 18F Ion Produced in a Nickel-Plated Copper Target.
C.C. Harris, J.L. Need, V.D. Dew, M.F. Dailey, R.E. Coleman, H.C. Padgett, B.W. Weiland
Development of Gas-Filled Positron-Sensitive Radiodetectors.
S-J. Heselius, H.T. Sipila
Summary of Cyclotron Operations for 1988.
Thomas E. Boothe, James P. Dwyer and Paresh J. Kothari
Reports from Labs: CERMEP, Lyon, France.
Didier Le Bars
Vancouver Targetry Workshop.
J.C. Clark and D.J. Silvester
Rapid Installation and Start-Up of a Cyclotron for Medical Use.
Fabio Colombo, Mario Matarrese, Edward Deutsch and Ferruccio Fazio
Problems and Solutions Associated with Facility Start-Up.
J. Robert Dahl, Thomas Chaly, William Robeson, Ralph A. Matacchieri, Janie Dill and Donald Margouleff
A New Cyclotron For Biomedical Research.
Gerd Wolber and Cyclotron Operating Team
Production of 11C-Carbon Dioxide and 18F-Flouride at the University of Kentucky
6.5 MV Van de Graff Accelerator.
R.K. Bera, J.L. Weil, N.G. Hartman, M. Jay
Cyclotron Production of Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals in SINR.
Li Yongjian
A Graphite Target for the Production of 13N Nuclei.
D. Darquennes, Th. Delbar, P. Lipnik
Feedback Controls for Remote and Automated Systems
Feedback Controls for Remote and Automated Systems
Use of a Zymark Robot to Produce Radiopharmaceuticals.
J.M. Link, J.H. Courter, K.A. Krohn, J.R. Grierson
A Comparison Between Two Robotic Systems Used for the Production of Radiopharmaceuticals.
G. Gaehle
Automated PET Chemical Synthesis at TRIUMF: A Brief History.
David B. Morris
Production of F-18 Flourodeoxyglucose with a Computer-Controlled Synthesis Unit.
C.C. Harris, J.L. Need, S. Ram and R.E. Coleman
Computer Aided Synthesis (CAS) of No-Carrier-Added 2-[18F]Flouro-2-Deoxy-D-Glucose: An Efficient
Automated System for the Aminopolyether Supported Nucleophilic Flourination.
K. Hamacher, G. Blessing, B. Nebeling
Intelligent Control of Liquid Transfer.
Ren Iwata, Tatsio Ido
Contributions from the Accelerator Manufacturers.
A 30 MeV H- Cyclotron for Isotope Production.
R. Baartman, K.L. Erdman, W.J. Kleeven, R.E. Laxdal, B.F. Milton, A.J. Otter, J.B. Pearson, R.L. Poirer,
P.W. Schmor, H.R. Schneider and Q. Walker
MC32 Multiparticle Negative Ion Cyclotron.
R. Kjellstrom and J. Ahlback
The Orbit Cyclotron.
Robert R. Highfill and John H. Neiler
Current Status Radionuclide Delivery System.
G.O. Hendry, G.T. Bida, L.R. Carroll, H.C. Padgett, B.W. Wieland
A New Design of Truly Selfshielding Baby-Cyclotrons for Positron Emitter Production.
M. Abs, J.L. Bol, A. Chevalier, E. Condard, Y. Jongen, M. Ladeuze, G. Lannoye, T. Ledocte, M. Lacroix,
A. Ninane, G. Rijckewaert, S. Zaremba
A 3He Radio Frequency Quadrupole Accelerator for Positron Emission Tomography.
A.E. Dabiri, W.K. Hagan, D.A. Swenson, K.A. Krohn
Compact Ion Linacs for Radionuclide Production.
Robert W. Hamm
The Production of Short-Lived PET Isotopes at Low Bombarding Energy with a High Current Electrostatic Acclerator.
R.E. Shefer, R.E. Klinkowstein, M.J. Welch, J.W. Brodack
The Cyclone - 3D.
I.B.A. presents an alternative to the 82Sr-82Rb generator