(1985) First Workshop Proceedings
Each section or paper of the 1985 workshop is available here in PDF format. The layout mimics the Table of Contents.
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Document Cover
Table of Contents
Section 1: Material Sciences
Target Foils
V. Bechthold (Karlsruhe) and R.J. Nickles (Madison)
Foil Sealing Assembly used on 11 MeV Proton Targets
B.W. Wieland (CTI West)
Target Bodies
J.C. Clark (Hammersmith) and St. Reiffers (Zwolle)
Transfer Lines
E. Hugel (Ann Arbor) and R. Hichwa (Ann Arbor)
Target Materials
J.R. Dahl (Manhassat) and D.J. Schyler (Long Island)
Beam defocussing and profile measurement at the University of Alberta van de Graaff Accelerator
S. McQuarrie (Edmonton)
Additional References
Section 2: Beam Transport and Interaction with Matter
Beam Transport and Interaction with Matter
G. Bida (Los Angeles) and S.J. Heselius (Turku)
Additional References
Section 3: Nuclear Data and Cyclotron Parameters
Nuclear Data, Optimum Cyclotron Parameters
I. Trevena (Vancouver) and G. Wolber (Heidelberg)
Preliminary Design for a K=30, 500 microAmp H-/D- Cyclotron
Y. Jongen, G. Lannoye and G. Ryckewaert
Section 4: Scheduling
Scheduling and optimizing of radionuclide production
R. Finn (Bethesda) and G.-J. Meyer (Hannover)
Section 5: Reports from participating labs
Status report of the mini cyclotron at the CNR Institute of Clinical Physiology at Pisa
Piero A. Salvadori (Pisa)
Considerations concerning the energy of a small PET cyclotron
G. Wolber (Heidelberg)
Problems associated with scheduling a medical cyclotron
R. Finn (Bethesda)
Production of positron emitters at the SIN cyclotron facilities
R. Weinreich (Villigen)
A flexible remote controlled target system
A.M.J. Paans, A. Rijskamp, W. Vaalburg (Groningen)
Organic Liquid targets for the production of 123I and 77Br
J.A. Osso, R. Bett, H.E. Sims (Harwell)
Density reduction and beam scattering and straggling in gas targets: influence on radionuclide yield and recovery
S.-J. Heselius (Turku)
A negative ion cyclotron using 11MeV protons for the production of radionuclides for clinical positron tomography
B.W. Wieland (Berkeley)
A simple 18F-F2 target for routine use
R. Wagner (Koln)
Cyclotron target system at Nihon Medi-Physics
Shunsuke Nakamoto (Chiba)
Gas Target Systems at Ghent University
K. Strijckmans and C. Vandecasteele
Section 6: Acknowledgement