(2010) Thirteenth Workshop Proceedings
Each abstract of the 2010 workshop is available here in PDF format, click on the Adobe Acrobat icon.
The abstracts and presentations are also available here in the conference proceedings as a single 115 MB file. Alternatively they are available
from the RISO publications website.
WTTC13 Conference Proceedings (115 MB)
Eds. Samar Haroun, Alex Givskov, Mikael Jensen
Conference program
Program Sponsors
001 |
Extending a Scintillation Counter's Dynamic Range
L. Carroll
002 |
Development of a target system at the baby cyclotron BC1710 for irradiation of solids and gases and the adaptation of existing target systems to the external beamline at the injector of COSY
V. B. Scholten, S. Spellerberg, W. Bolten, H.H. Coenen
003 |
Search for the ideal cyclotron stripper foil
J.O. Stoner Jr.
004 |
New Gaseous Xenon Target for 123I Production
Jozef J. Comor, Duro Jovanovic, Jean-Michel Geets, Bernard Lambert
005 |
Mass Production of 64Cu with 64Ni(p,n)64Cu Nuclear Reaction
Kwon Soo Chun, Hyun Park, Jaehong Kim
006 |
Activity Deliver system
D.B. Mackay, C. Lucatelli, R. van Ham, M. Willemsen, P. Thoonen, B. Kummeling, J.C. Clark
007 |
Integrated GMP PETRadiotracer Production and Dispensing Facility
C. Lucatelli, D.B. Mackay, G. Mokosa, C. Arth, R.C. van Ham, M.A.B. Willemsen, J.C. Clark
008 |
Synthesis of 4-[18F]Fluorobenzaldehyde in a CPCU for Peptide Labeling
V.M. Lara-Camacho, J.C. Manrique-Arias, E. Zamora-Romo, A. Zarate-Morales, A. Flores-Moreno, M.A. Avila-Rodriguez
009 |
A comparison of Nb, Pt, Ta, Ti, Zr, and ZrO2-sputtered Havar foils for the high-power cyclotron production of reactive [18F]F-
K. Gagnon, J.S. Wilson, S.A. McQuarrie
010 |
A simple calibration-independent method for measuring the beam energy of a cyclotron
K. Gagnon, M. Jensen, H. Thisgaard, J. Publicover, S. Lapi, S.A. McQuarrie, T.J. Ruth
011 |
Thermal modelling of a solid cyclotron target using finite element analysis: An experimental validation
K. Gagnon, J.S. Wilson, S.A. McQuarrie
012 |
RDS-111 to Eclipse HP Upgrading with Improvements in 18F Production
A. Zarate-Morales, A. Flores-Moreno, J.C. Manrique-Arias, E. Zamora-Romo, M.A. Avila-Rodriguez
013 |
CYCLOTECH - A method for Direct Production of 99mTc using Low Energy Medical Cyclotrons
R.R. Johnson, W. Gelbart, M. Benedict, L. Cunha, L.F. Metello
014 |
Effects of the Tantalum and Silver Targets on the Yield of FDG Production in the Explora and CPCU Chemistry Modules
J.C. Manrique-Arias, E. Zamora-Romo, A. Zarate-Morales, A. Flores-Moreno, M.A. Avila-Rodriguez
015 |
Fully Automated System for the Production of [123I] and [124I]-Iodine Labelled Peptides and Anitbodies
P. Bedeschi, S. Bosi, M. Montroni, G.Brini, S.Caria, M.Fulvi, G. Calisesi
016 |
Routine Automated Production of 18F-Labelled Radiopharmaceuticals on IBA Synthera® Multi-Purpose Platform
B. Lambert, J.-J. Cavelier, G. Gauron, C. Sauvage, C. Kech, T. Neal, M. Kiselev, D. Caron, A. Shirvan, I. Ziv
017 |
Routine Production of Cu-61 and Cu-64 at the University of Wisconsin
J.W. Engle, T.E. Barnhart, R.J. Nickles
018 |
Sustainable PET tracer production at Wisconsin
T.E. Barnhart, J.W. Engle, P. Larsen, B.T. Christian, D. Murali, D. Wooten, O.T. DeJesus, A. Hillmer, R.J. Nickles
019 |
Production of Cl-34m via the (d,α) reaction on Ar-36 gas at 8.4 MeV
J.W. Engle, T.E. Barnhart, O. DeJesus, R.J. Nickles
020 |
Optimisation of an Electroplating Process to Prepare a Solid Target for (p,n) Based Production of Copper-64
C. Jeffery, S. Chan, D. Cryer, A. Asad, RAPID Group; R.I. Price
021 |
Streamlined measurement of the specific radioactivity of in target produced [11C]methane by on-line conversion to [11C]hydrogen cyanide
J. Koziorowski, N. Gillings
022 |
Recent advances and developments in IBA cyclotrons
J.-M. Geets, B. Nactergal, M. Abs, C. Fostier, E. Kral
023 |
Production of therapeutic quantities of 64Cu and 119Sb for radionuclide therapy
using a small PET cyclotron
H. Thisgaarda, M. Jensenb, D. R. Elema
024 |
The chemistry of high temperature gas phase production of
L. van der Vliet, G. Westera
025 |
Target Performance – [11C]CO2 and [11C]CH4 Production
S. Helin, E. Arponen, J. Rajander, J. Aromaa, O. Solin
026 |
A Solid 114mIn Target Prototype with Online Thermal Diffusion Activity Extraction- Work in Progress
J. Siikanen, A. Sandell
027 |
Upgrade of a Control System for a Scanditronix MC 17 Cyclotron
J. Siikanen, K. Ljunggren, A. Sandell
028 |
New software for the TracerLab Mx
D. Fontaine, D. Le Bars, D. Martinot, V. Tadino, F. Tedesco, G. Villeret
029 |
Production of No Carrier Added 64Cu & 55Co from a Natural Nickel Solid Target Using an 18MeV Cyclotron Proton Beam
A.H. Asad, C. Jeffery, S.V. Smith, S. Chan, D. Cryer & R.I. Price
030 |
Reportback from iThemba LABS: Some tales of broken targets, split beams and particle tracking
C. Vermeulen, G.F. Steyn, N. Stodart, J.L Conradie, A Buffler, I Govender
031 |
Technical pitfalls in the production of 64Cu with high specific activity
J. Rajander, J. Schlesinger, M. Avila-Rodriguez, O. Solin
032 |
Supported Foil Solution for Legacy Helium-Cooled Targets When An Alternative to Havar Foil Material is Desired
B.R. Bender, G.L. Watkins
033 |
A Simple Target Modification to Allow for 3-D Beam Tuning
J.S. Wilson, K. Gagnon, S.A. McQuarrie
034 |
Evolution of a High Yield Gas Phase 11CH3I Rig at LBNL
J.P. O’Neil, J. Powell, M. Janabi
035 |
One Year Experience With a IBA 18/9 Cyclotron Operation for F-18 FDG Rutin Production
J. Nicolini, J. Ciliberto, M.A. Nicolini, M.E. Nicolini, G. Baró, G. Casale, R. Caro, G. Guerrero, C. Hormigo, H. Gutiérrez, P. Pace, L. Silva
036 |
Comparison of [11C]CH3I yields from 2 in-house Methyl Iodide
Production systems – Does size matter?
S. Jivan, K.R. Buckley, W. English, J.P. O’Neil
037 |
Cyclotron production of 99mTc via the 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc reaction
K. Gagnon, F. Bénard, M. Kovacs, T.J. Ruth, P. Schaffer, and S.A. McQuarrie
038 |
Cyclotron Production of 99mTc
A. Zyuzin, B. Guérin, E. van Lier, S. Tremblay, S. Rodrigue, J.A. Rousseau, V. Dumulon-Perreault, R. Lecomte, J.E. van Lier
039 |
Targets for Cyclotron Production of Tc-99m
E.J. van Lier, J. Garret, B. Guerin, S. Rodrigue, J.E. van Lier, S. McQuarrie,
J. Wilson, K. Gagnon, M.S. Kovacs, J. Burbee, A. Zyuzin
040 |
A further exploration of the merits of a Niobium/Niobium vs
Niobium/Havar target body/foil combination for [18F]Fluoride production:
A detailed HP γ-spectrometry study
J. Sunderland, G.L. Watkins, C.E. Erdahl, L. Sensoy, A. Konik
041 |
A multi-wire proportional counter for measurement of positron-emitting radionuclides during on-line blood sampling
H.T. Sipila, A. Roivainen, S-J. Heselius
042 |
Liquid target system for production of 86Y
J. Ralis, O. Lebeda, J. Kucera
043 |
Can Half-life Measurements Alone Determine Radionuclidic Purity of F-18 Compounds?
T. Jorgensen, M. Ankerstjerne Micheelsen, M. Jensen
044 |
PC-controlled radiochemistry system for preparation of NCA 64Cu
R. Adam Rebeles, P. Van den Winkel, L. De Vis, R. Waegeneer
045 |
Production of 124I, 64Cu and [11C]CH4 on an 18/9 MeV cyclotron
M.Leporis, M.Reich, P.Rajec, O.Szollos
046 |
A simple and flexible device for LabView applications
A. Hohn, E. Schaub, S. Ebers, R. Schibli
047 |
Three years experience in operation and maintenance of the
[18F]F2 proton target at the Rossendorf Cyclone® 18/9 cyclotron
St. Preusche, F. Fuechtner, J. Steinbach
048 |
Non-HPLC Methods for the Production of F-18, C-11 and Ga-68 PET
A. Yordanov, D. Stimson, D. Le Bars, S. Shulman, M.J. Combs, A. Soylu, H. Bagci, M. Mueller
049 |
Evaluation on metallic Sc as target for the production of 44Ti on high energy protons
K. Zhernosekov, A. Hohn, M. Ayranov, D. Schumann, R. Schibli, A. Turler
050 |
Operating RbCl Targets Beyond the Boiling Point? – Work in progress
F.M. Nortier, H.T. Bach, M. Connors, K.D. John, J.W. Lenz, F.O. Valdez, J.W. Weidner
051 |
[18O]Water Target Design for Production of [18F]Fluoride at High Irradiation Current
A.D. Givskov, M. Jensen
052 |
Direct production of Ga-68 from proton bombardment of concentrated aqueous solutions of [Zn-68] Zinc Chloride
M. Jensen, J. Clark
053 |
Using the Neutron Flux from p,n Reactions for n,p Reactions on Medical Cyclotrons
J. Siikanen, A. Sandell
054 |
Repairing water leaks in the TR-19 cyclotron: A case study in what not to do
M.J. Schueller, D.J. Schlyer
055 |
Improved High Current Liquid and Gas Targets for Cyclotron Produced Radioisotopes
I. AlJammaz, A. AlRayyes, J. Chai, F. Ditroi, M. Jensen, D. Kivrakdal, J. Nickles, T. Ruth, D. Schlyer, H. Schweickert, O. Solin, P. Winkel, M.Haji-Saeid, M. Pillai
056 |
120+ μA Single 18F- Target and Beam Port Upgrade for the RDS/Eclipse
M.H. Stokely, T.M. Stewart, B.W. Wieland